Hallidays Point News of Our World


up-to-date news

MidCoast Road Strategy presented to Council

The MidCoast Road Strategy was presented to Council this week, detailing the condition of Council’s road network as well as the challenges and opportunities for improving it.

“We have a very large road network extending 3,600km, with roughly equal parts sealed and unsealed,” said Mayor Claire Pontin.

“Our community has consistently identified the need to improve our roads.

“We have prioritised road maintenance, investing around a quarter of our annual budget on our road network as well as seeking State and Australian Government grant funding.

“However, we recognise there’s more work to do. The Road Strategy provides us with an in depth understanding of the condition of our roads and what it will take to bring our network up to a condition that meets community expectation.”

The Strategy shows that more than a quarter of the sealed road network has significant cracking. Timely maintenance is fundamental to ensure a road can achieve its useful life. Decades of historically poor bitumen resealing frequencies by local governments on the MidCoast means the underlying road structure has been inadequately protected over many years. This makes it more susceptible to potholes and leads to more costly repairs.

Extreme weather, including heavy rain and flash flooding has also put pressure on the road network. Inflation and the related increases in material and labour costs are among other challenges Council faces.

A key part of the solution is fully funding the resealing cycle annually. The estimated shortfall is $26 million, with a further $8.5 million for additional maintenance. Without this investment, our road network will deteriorate a further 25% over the next ten years.

Current maintenance funding is not keeping pace with inflation or traffic and infrastructure growth. Addressing this funding shortfall forms part of the Financial Sustainability Action Plan which was also adopted at this week’s Council’s meeting.

The MidCoast Road Strategy identifies a range of actions that are required to ensure the road network doesn’t deteriorate further as well as actions required to improve the network. The extent to which these can be applied will depend on funding.

“The Strategy will form the basis of discussions with the community around funding and desired levels of service,” explained Mayor Pontin.

“It will also form the basis of continued lobbying to other levels of Government for a better roads deal for Councils. We now have the data to support our arguments.”

“We need a more sustainable model that allows a strategic and proactive approach to management and care of our network in the short and long term.”

The MidCoast Road Strategy is available on Council’s website at https://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/road-strategy.

Koala Conservation - have your say by 6-May-24

The draft Koala Conservation Strategy will guide coordinated management actions for koala recovery and conservation on public and private land. Have your say before Monday 6 May. More 

Vote for Bulahdelah  2024 Top Tourism Town Award  - by 13-May

Bulahdelah has been announced as a finalist in the Small Tourism Town category for the 2024 NSW Top Tourism Town Awards. This recognition highlights Bulahdelah’s contribution to regional tourism and its status as a premier destination for travellers seeking unique experiences.  

Member for Myall Lakes, Tanya Thompson excited about Bulahdelah’s achievement said, “I am delighted to see Bulahdelah as a finalist in the 2024 NSW Top Tourism Town Awards. This recognition is proof of the hard work our local community do to promote Bulahdelah as a must-visit destination.” 

The Top Tourism Town Awards celebrate the diversity and outstanding regional destinations of New South Wales, showcasing the value of tourism to towns and communities across the state.  

Mrs Thompson is encouraging Myall Lakes residents and visitors to support Bulahdelah’s nomination by participating in the public voting process, which counts for 25% of the final score.  

“I urge everyone to vote for Bulahdelah and help them win this well-deserved title. By voting online, you can play a role in promoting Bulahdelah’s unique charm and boosting tourism to the area.” 

Mrs Thompson said that Bulahdelah offers an array of experiences for travellers. “Whether you are seeking outdoor adventures, eco-friendly retreats, or local gift shops & cafes, this town has something for everyone.”  

“I invite travellers near and far to discover the magic of Bulahdelah and experience firsthand why it’s a finalist in the 2024 NSW Top Tourism Town Awards,” said Mrs Thompson. 

Organising committee member Dale Bradshaw said, “We are absolutely thrilled to be a finalist in this award program.” 

“We believe that Bulahdelah and its surrounds are the best place in New South Wales, and we want to share this with everyone.” 

 Voting for the Top Tourism Town Awards is open until May 13th, with winners announced on May 30th. Vote for Bulahdelah online here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QQ9H5NG 

Funding for local musicians - applications close 20-May-24

Musicians in the Myall Lakes electorate are encouraged to pack their bags and get on the road, taking advantage of the Sound NSW Touring and Travel Fund.

Member for Myall Lakes, Tanya Thompson said the $2 million program offers quick response grants of up to $2,500 per person for domestic activity and $7,500 per person for international activity.

“Touring gives artists an opportunity to connect with fans from across the state, helping build their career while offering their artistry to new and unique audiences,” Mrs Thompson said.

“From Jimmy Barnes to INXS, Troy Cassar-Daley to Ashleigh Dallas, every iconic Australian artist has earned their stripes on tour, playing in venues along the Eastern Seaboard and throughout inland NSW.

“Having artists tour our regional towns and cities also adds vibrancy to the cultural makeup of our state and gives audiences across the state access to new experiences.

Mrs Thompson is encouraging artists in the Myall Lakes to start the planning now.

“If you meet all eligibility criteria, you will receive funding, this is a non-competitive grant. Get in early and apply now before the funding is exhausted.”

Matty Zarb, talented local musician said, “This is a fabulous opportunity for our local regional artists to reach international audiences, which is extremely exciting for those who are yet to play for tourists from overseas.”

Applications for the Sound NSW Touring and Travel Fund are open now and will close on May 20, or until the funding is exhausted.

MidCoast Council focusses on financial sustainability

Councillors are determined to tackle long term economic challenges head on, adopting a Financial Sustainability Action Plan at today’s Council meeting.

“The action plan is in response to an independent review we commissioned last year,” said Mayor Claire Pontin.

“The review showed that while Council’s cash position is sound, we are currently not in a position to keep up with the long-term maintenance on our $5 billion worth of assets and infrastructure.

“We are not going to leave this issue to future generations.  We’ve sought this review to help us understand our position and determine a way forward.”

The issue of long-term financial sustainability is not new or unique to MidCoast.  A growing number of regional and urban Councils are facing the challenges of inflation, higher interest rates, and sustained lower-than-average residential and business rates.

Financial sustainability is a historic issue, inherited from previous councils. Current financial reporting standards require Councils to take asset deterioration into account, which while good practice is difficult, Mayor Pontin commented.

MidCoast Council has joined calls for broader reform to ensure that adequate resources are provided when the State Government shifts responsibility for infrastructure, services, and regulatory functions to local government. 

“We want to ensure we can maintain our infrastructure over the long term and also have sufficient cash reserves for unexpected events,” explained Mayor Pontin.

“The five-part action plan includes continuing to ensure we use our limited funds efficiently; ensuring our operations are lean and efficient and deliver value for money to the community; managing our assets across their life cycle; reviewing revenue sources to align with expenses and service levels; and generating sufficient unrestricted cash.”

The Financial Sustainability Action Plan 2024 – 2027 and the full AEC Financial Sustainability Review are both available on Council’s website at https://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/financial-sustainability

Have your say on important planning rules - HP library 5-Jun-24

MidCoast Council is seeking community feedback on a new draft Local Environmental Plan (LEP). A Local Environmental Plan provides the framework and planning controls that guide development in the region.

Currently the MidCoast has three Local Environmental Plans (from the former Council areas) that have different approaches resulting in an inconsistent planning framework across the local government area.

Having one MidCoast LEP will provide a consistent direction on how development in the MidCoast will occur, Council’s Director of Liveable Communities, Paul De Szell explained.

“A single LEP will provide more certainty for the community and the development industry and is intended to achieve better planning outcomes.”

Mr De Szell said Council had worked with the community, development industry and NSW Government over the past four years to identify existing challenges and means to address them.

“During this time, we have developed a Housing Strategy, a Rural Strategy and undertaken a number of zoning reviews to guide our future direction and have checked in with the community through extensive consultation.

“We have also drawn controls from recently approved Local Environmental Plans across NSW to provide the most up-to-date provisions and have included recent NSW Government reforms.

“All of this has provided the foundation for the draft MidCoast LEP. “

The new draft MidCoast LEP is something that everyone should take some time to check out, as it impacts all land in the local government area.

“All land in the MidCoast has a land use zone, ranging from residential to rural, employment, conservation, recreation and waterways. These zones apply to where we live, work, shop and play.

“Zones dictate what can (and can’t) be done in your neighbourhood – from the way the land can be used and the size of lots, to the types of buildings and heights.”

Mr De Szell said almost all of our zones are changing in some way, so it is important the community understands the controls in place in their zone and the impact the proposed changes will have.

“In some areas this impact will be very minimal, and may only be a zone name change, with some residential areas changing from a ‘general residential’ zone to a low or medium density residential zone.  This is happening because not all of the current plans used the full suite of zones available and the new draft MidCoast LEP does.”

Rural zones are also changing to meet NSW Government requirements and Council is keen for feedback from landholders on these new rural zones.

Residents can find out more by going to Council’s website www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/lep

and using the mapping tool available to zoom in on your land or by attending a drop-in session to talk to Council’s planners about the impact on your property. These are happening across the region at:

Phone appointments with planners are also available by calling 7955 7777 or by registering for a callback at www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/lep

Dementia wellbeing program - late April to Mid May

People living with dementia and their caregivers are invited to a free story telling program in Forster with Lisa Hort, a creative aging expert.

Lisa leads The Story Sharing Moment program, which is influenced by the evidence-based TimeSlip creative storytelling technique. 

This technique assumes that by engaging in collaborative storytelling, participants establish deep connections, promoting happiness and overall wellbeing.

There are three sessions being held Forster Civic Centre, attendees are welcome to join in one, or all three.

The program is funded by MidCoast Council.

To book your spot, contact Jane O'Dwyer, MidCoast Council's Community Development Officer on (02) 7955 7679 or 0418 769 494.

Tell your tales at MidCoast Festival of Stories 11 - 26-May-24

There are many ways to tell a tale and the MidCoast Festival of Stories plans to uncover them.

The Festival of Stories is the perfect opportunity for storytellers of all ages to share their tales and even learn new skills and techniques.

The two-week extravaganza runs between 11 and 26 May and includes a variety of different attractions.

Express your creativity through song writing, illustration, dance and poetry workshops. Share a story behind a cherished cooking recipe. Join local authors and industry creatives to hear stories of inspiration and gain insights into the writing scene, including headline events from the prestigious Sydney Writers Festival.

MidCoast Council’s Manager Libraries, Community and Cultural Services, Alex Mills, said workshops and events are completely free of charge, allowing all participants to unleash their creativity.

“We’ll be in schools, libraries and campuses all around the region, and the Tales, Twists and Turns day at Forster Civic Centre on the 18 May is sure to be a highlight,” he said.

For more information and a detailed list of all the events go to library.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/mcfos

Free motorcycling workshops - 11-May-24

MidCoast Council, in conjunction with Port Stephens, Cessnock, Maitland, and Central Coast Councils, are hosting a series of free motorcycling safety workshops across weekends in May and June.

The workshops will be facilitated by Survive the Ride Association of NSW’s Dave Tynan and are suitable for new and experienced motorcyclists.

The Centre for Road Safety statistics for the 2018-2022 period show that motorcyclists in the Hunter Region were involved in 11 percent of crashes, with the 50-59 year age group most at risk.

The workshops enable motorcyclists to collaborate on decision making techniques and adjustments to riding habits that make a difference to personal safety. Focus areas include lane positioning, speed management and riding posture to allow appropriate action in the face of hazards or potential problems.

“We focus on the little decisions we all make on the road and how slight changes can result in a much more enjoyable and safer ride.” says Mr Tynan.

If you’re new to riding, an experienced rider, or getting back on your motorbike after a break, the upcoming workshops provide a wonderful opportunity to refresh your knowledge of managing risks on the road and to contribute to creating a safer community of local riders.

To register for one of the three workshops please visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CWSQQ9J

The Manning event will be held on Saturday, 11 May from 10am to 2pm at MidCoast Council Administration and Customer Service Centre, 2 Biripi Way.

For more information, contact MidCoast Council’s Road Safety Officer on 7955 7777.

These events are funded under the Local Government Road Safety Program by Transport for NSW, which is committed to the local promotion of road safety and the reduction of crashes on our roads.

Next HP Community Conversation- 15-May

Hallidays Point 6-7:30pm Wednesday 15 May 2024 at Blackhead Surf Life Saving Club, 1 Main Street

The Community Conversations program means you can meet MidCoast Council staff at a venue near you, receive updates about your community, and ask questions.

Community Conversations also help Council staff and Councillors better understand the things that matter to you and your community.

Community Conversations will only take place once this year due to the upcoming local government elections.

There is no need to book, just turn up on the day. Everybody is welcome.

Come along to learn about:

Dance through the Decades  - 14-Jun

Hi Friends,

I'm thrilled to invite you to our upcoming joint fundraiser event with First Steps Count - Dance Through the Decades, brought to you by Stacks Law Firm. A fundraiser like no other with people cutting the rug from the 50s right through to the noughties!

Dance Through The Decades will be FUN (there’s no doubt about that) – but it’s primary purpose is to raise funds for two essential pillars of our community: First Steps Count Child and Community Centre and Taree Universities Campus.

Each hour will feature music from that decade. Plus, there’ll be a live auction and a silent auction.

The night will see the Pavilion transformed and there will be a complimentary drink on arrival and canapes served throughout the night.

Join us in making a difference and leaving a lasting impact on our community. Together, we can empower children and families to work collaboratively with services, as well as financially assist local uni students for greater educational opportunities, and create a more vibrant and inclusive future for all in the Manning Valley.

Get Your Tickets Here Now!

We look forward to working together and making Dance Through the Decades a resounding success.

Warm regards,
Donna Ballard
Taree Universities Campus

Nominate young people for a Youth Award - nominations close 23-Jun

Recognise an outstanding young person in our community by nominating them for a MidCoast Youth Award.

MidCoast Youth Awards nominations are open for young people aged 12 to 24 years old living, working or studying in the MidCoast local government area.

A new award category has been included this year to expand the program and celebrate even more outstanding young people and their achievements. The new Team Award has been added to recognise a group of young people who have demonstrated teamwork in areas such as sports, school, clubs or community groups.

“MidCoast Youth Awards are an excellent way for us to celebrate a wide range of achievements from young people in the community,” said Alex Mills, MidCoast Council’s Manager Libraries, Community and Cultural Services.

“If you are a sports coach, teacher, year advisor, career advisor, team leader, mentor or anyone who knows a young person who is doing great things in our community, nominate them for a youth award to show them that their hard work is being recognised.”

All categories except the entrepreneurship and team award are split into two age groups, 12-17 years and 18-24 years. The entrepreneurship award is open to young people aged 18-24 and the team award is open to young people aged 12 – 24.

Each award includes a certificate, a $250 gift card, and recognition that can help underpin future career ambitions. The team award will have a $500 gift card as the prize.

The categories are:

For more information and to nominate a young person for a MidCoast Youth Award, head to https://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/YouthAwards. Nominations are open from 11 April to 23 June 2024.

The final Awards Ceremony will be held in August at MidCoast Council’s MEC.

The MidCoast Youth Awards are a partnership between PCYC Taree, MidCoast Council, LJ Hooker Taree and Grow A Star and prizes are sponsored by these and other local organisations.

Young people can also come together to celebrate Youth Week at a range of different free activities around the MidCoast region from 11 to 21 April including the Beats on the Bank – Live & Loud, Youth Arts Festival, painting workshops, resume writing workshops, sushi making workshop, trivia nights and outdoor movies. https://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/YouthWeek2024.

Young people can also enter in a Youth Week photography competition with a $100 voucher awarded for first prize. Submissions are already open and close Sunday 21 April. https://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/YouthWeek2024.

Youth week activities coincide with the autumn school holidays, during which MidCoast Council has a range of events and activities for kids of all ages. Check out the events here: https://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/school-holiday-activities.

Council is also seeking young people to join the MidCoast Youth Action Collective which is an action group to help with planning and implementing youth-led activities, events and initiatives across the MidCoast region. https://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/Community/Community-support-and-statistics/Youth/MidCoast-Youth-Action-Collective.

Help shape MidCoast's future - by 30-Jun

MidCoast residents are invited to help shape the strategic direction of their region by reviewing the Community Strategic Plan.

“Our Community Strategic Plan sets the direction for our community for the next 10 years and we want to hear from MidCoast residents to make sure we are on track,” said MidCoast Council’s Mayor, Claire Pontin.

This plan sets out the community’s long-term vision and the outcomes that matter to them. The plan is used by Council and community, State and Federal Government agencies to plan for our region’s future.

The community is asked to review the plan every four years to ensure when new Councillors come on board after a Local Government election, there is a clear direction from the community on what is important.

The community’s priorities are captured in the plan, and help Council prepare its annual plans for implementation. Other agencies will also use the plan to deliver outcomes in the areas of their responsibility.

“We know things change over time, so we want to know if there are emerging priorities for our region that need to be included in our plan,” said Mayor Pontin.

You can have your say online at https://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/CSP by completing a short survey and quick poll. You can also come and have a chat with our staff at several workshops and pop-ups planned across the region. The consultation is open until Sunday 30 June.

There will be four workshops held across the MidCoast, with people able to register to attend any one, no matter where on the MidCoast they live.

Workshops will take around two hours and participants will identify MidCoast priorities across the four key areas in the community strategic plan:

If you can’t make a workshop, there are pop-up sessions planned between 30 April and 15 June at Pacific Palms, Wingham, Forster, Bulahdelah, Old Bar, Harrington, Hallidays Point, Stroud, Nabiac and Taree.

Head to the link above to have your say, register for a workshop, or find a pop-up happening near you before Sunday 30 June.

If you’re not online, and can’t make any events, we’d still like to hear your feedback. Call us on 0419 980 566 and leave a voicemail with your feedback.

Make a difference with a Water Wiser Grant  - by 30-Jun

Schools, community groups and other organisations across the MidCoast that are keen to bring a great water conservation or sustainability initiative to life are encouraged to apply for a Water Wiser Grant.

The new grant program from MidCoast Council offers eligible organisations up to $10,000 in co-funding to undertake projects and activities that increase water conservation or sustainability through education, efficiency improvements or awareness-raising initiatives.

Council’s Director of Infrastructure and Engineering Services, Rob Scott, said Council was excited to launch the program and hoped it would help deliver a variety of benefits across the community.

“One of the key commitments we made in our latest long-term water plan, Our Water Our Future 2050, was to improve water efficiency and resilience across the region through a range of initiatives,” said Mr Scott.

“We’re already doing a number of things to assist our residents and large users to save water, but this new initiative targets a diverse and influential group of users whose actions can have a really positive impact on water conservation and sustainability in the area.

“We know these organisations aren’t always in a position to do the things they’d like to do, so we’re encouraging them to take advantage of the one-off financial contributions available through this program and make a meaningful difference.” 

Applications for the Water Wiser Grants program are open from Wednesday 1 May to Sunday 30 June 2024.

Only legally constituted community groups, industry-related organisations, local government agencies, not-for-profit organisations and incorporated groups are eligible to apply.

Applicants are encouraged to read the full guidelines for eligibility and criteria before submitting their applications.

To find out more, or to apply, visit www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/water-wiser-grants