Hallidays Point News of Our World

advertise with us

HPNoOW magazine is the premier avenue for promoting your business or services to the Hallidays Point community. It operates on a volunteer, not-for-profit model making its advertising remarkably cost-effective. 

When you choose to advertise with us, your business/service will be promoted in over 2300 local homes each month. And each magazine is posted on here our website under the read the magazine tab, potentially expanding your reach even further.

It's easy! 

Check out our rates and complete the form below. You will need to decide on your ad size, when to start advertising and have ready a high-resolution ad in .jpeg or .png format (or ask us to assist you in creating one - for free!).

Once ready, you will need to commit to and pay for at least one 3-month block of advertising in our print magazine. Note: your commitment automatically renews every 3 months. Please advise us in writing (editor@hpnews.com.au) of any changes to your advertising requirements, including withdrawal, by the 15th of your final month.